Renowned movie producer and actor, Kunle Afolayan, has unveiled a new house built for his 81-year-old mother, Omoladun Afolayan.

Afolayan revealed this in a video on his Instagram account on Friday, with the caption, “Maami’s Ayanladun Villa.”

In the video, he showed the exterior and interior of the well furnished bungalow.

Afolayan also recognised his mum as her name was written at the entrance to the new house, “Ayanladun Villa.”

Afolayan’s honour for his mother has been met with accolades from friends, fans, and colleagues.

Commenting on the video, veteran Nollywood actor, Adebayo Salami, wrote, “This is exceptional.”

#yinkaicanfly also commented, “Well-deserved. Thank you, Baami for honouring Abiyamo tooto.

This isn’t the first time Afolayan will be expressing his love and appreciation for his mother publicly.

PUNCH Online reported in April 2023 how Afolayan celebrated his mother’s 80th birthday, expressing gratitude to God for his goodness.

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